- Ghostwritten Blog for Former CTO of VMware: “Reclaiming Our Privacy with Zero-Knowledge Proofs“
- Ghostwritten Blog for Alooma: “What is ETL?”
- Ghostwritten Blog for CEO of Prysm Systems: “Why I’ve Abandoned my Inbox“
- Bylined Article in Dark Reading: “Crypto Agility: Solving for the Inevitable“
- Ghostwritten Blog for Cisco Panoptica: “Securing Serverless Applications Against the MostCritical Risks“
- Dev.to Security Blog: “Automated Versus Dynamic Remediation: Risks and Rewards“
- AI Marketing Ethics Digest: “Don’t Let AI Bias Subvert Your Marketing Efforts“
- Blog for Cisco Panoptica Website: “An Open-Source Antidote for a Growing Problem: API Security“
- Blog for RSA Conference: “Humans as Heroes: Blogging for Security. Two Wins in One.“
- Alleo Blog: “Can Technology Help Us Amplify the Effectiveness of Diverse Teams?“
- Blog for Prysm: “Optimizing Outcomes: Don’t Overlook Your Collaborative Workflow“